
Learn more about our counseling services, our experienced therapists, and other tidbits about the world of mental health.

5 Myths About Therapy…
Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User

5 Myths About Therapy…

There are a lot of myths about therapy that need to be debunked. Sometimes people avoid starting therapy because they think that once they start, they’ll be in therapy forever or that they’ll be stuck with a therapist they don’t like. People worry about how much therapy costs. They think it’s a luxury. Some people are afraid that their therapist won’t be approachable. Many think that therapy won’t help them.

The truth about therapy is that all of these things are myths. At Fleurish Psychotherapy, we strive to make therapy as accessible to our clients as possible. We put you first.

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What You Need to Know About Alcohol and Anxiety
General Therapy, Herb Church Herb Church General Therapy, Herb Church Herb Church

What You Need to Know About Alcohol and Anxiety

The relationship between alcohol and anxiety can be complicated. Many adults can safely drink in moderation. For others, alcohol may cause anxiety or aggravate pre-existing conditions. There are several reasons why alcohol tends to mess with your peace of mind. A lesser-known one is that it changes brain chemicals like GABA involved with regulating anxiety.

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4 Tips for Self-Care While Social Distancing
Susannah Bales, General Therapy Susannah Bales Susannah Bales, General Therapy Susannah Bales

4 Tips for Self-Care While Social Distancing

Well, here we are, folks. Many of us are voluntarily self-quarantining, practicing social distancing, or have a mandated quarantine in order to help society “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Your day-to-day may now look very different, consisting of Zoom calls and Google Hangouts, or work may have dried up if you are in one of the industries affected by the closing or canceling. Maybe you are stuck at home...with your houseplants, your pets, your partners, and your kids for company.

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4 Stereotypes About Self Care That Aren't Always True
General Therapy Fleurish Staff General Therapy Fleurish Staff

4 Stereotypes About Self Care That Aren't Always True

Lately, self-care has been a hot topic in the media. As with a lot of things in the media, some of the content can be misconstrued and easily cause confusion. We often hear people talking about the benefits of self-care, but what really is it? Does everyone’s self-care look the same? It’s girly, right? There is just not enough time in the day! Read below to debunk these four common myths about self-care.

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5 Holiday Tips You Need To Learn Now
General Therapy, Staff Fleurish Staff General Therapy, Staff Fleurish Staff

5 Holiday Tips You Need To Learn Now

If you’re like me, you forget to do important tasks when there’s a lot to get done. You have the feeling that you are supposed to be doing something, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. If your mind is constantly racing, there is no way you will be able to remember everything, and that’s totally normal! My solution has been to write EVERYTHING down.

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10 Ways to Survive the Holidays
Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User

10 Ways to Survive the Holidays

The holiday season is a stressful time for so many reasons: your crazy relatives, sleeping in your old bedroom again, all the food…you know what I mean. The key to surviving the holidays – nay I say, thriving through the holidays -- is to be like a Boy/Girl Scout – always prepared!

To help you prepare, I’ve created this list of tips you can use to survive any family interaction the holiday season can throw at you!

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Let’s Talk About Talking. What is Talk Therapy?
Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User

Let’s Talk About Talking. What is Talk Therapy?

I often get the question, “What is psychotherapy?” In essence it’s similar to mental health counseling or talk therapy. What actually happens in the process of this type of therapy is often misunderstood. As a therapist, I frequently hear about feelings of shame and weakness associated with coming to psychotherapy. Here I hope to reduce the stigma attached to seeking mental health treatment by highlighting some of the many benefits of psychotherapy.

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Coping Skill Are Stupid…
Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User

Coping Skill Are Stupid…

...and other lies depression tells you.

Last month I wrote a blog post about coping skills. I outlined what they are and gave you some basic ones to help you get started in building your “toolkit.” It’s not lost on me; however, that as necessary as coping skills are, the ones I gave you sometimes just don’t cut it. So today I’m presenting some different, more nuanced coping skills for one particular situation: depression.

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Coping Skills
Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User

Everything You Wanted to Know About Coping Skills

Have you been hearing a lot about “coping skills” lately? I know I have… but one thing I’ve noticed missing from the “coping skills” conversation is a clear definition of what they actually are! In this article I talk about what coping skills are, why they help, and how to build more. Check it out and let me know what your go-to coping skills are!

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