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7 Habits to Help Achieve High Self-Esteem
General Therapy, Staff Fleurish Staff General Therapy, Staff Fleurish Staff

7 Habits to Help Achieve High Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem. Insecurity. They happen to every person at some point in their life. Even that one person who seems to be so comfortable in their own skin has, at some point, felt insecure. Even though everyone has insecurities, it is important that they don’t get in the way of your happiness and everyday functioning. Severe insecurity can lead to issues in romantic relationships, friendships, and the relationship you have with yourself. The good thing is that you have the power to overcome these feelings.

Here is a list of habits you can incorporate into your everyday life to help improve your self-esteem:

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5 Holiday Tips You Need To Learn Now
General Therapy, Staff Fleurish Staff General Therapy, Staff Fleurish Staff

5 Holiday Tips You Need To Learn Now

If you’re like me, you forget to do important tasks when there’s a lot to get done. You have the feeling that you are supposed to be doing something, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. If your mind is constantly racing, there is no way you will be able to remember everything, and that’s totally normal! My solution has been to write EVERYTHING down.

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5 Ways to Increase Quality Communication
General Therapy, Staff Fleurish Staff General Therapy, Staff Fleurish Staff

5 Ways to Increase Quality Communication

Do you feel like your family, significant other, or friends just don’t “get” you? Are they unaware of when you are upset or stressed? Do you argue, but never seem to get to a solid solution? You may have issues with communication. The thing about communication is that it can always be improved. Nobody is a perfect communicator, but the important thing is that you try. Quality communication is crucial in work relationships, marriages, friendships, parenting, and any other situation in which you interact with others.

Enjoy my tips on how to increase the quality of your communication:

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