What is Family Therapy ?

Family therapy is a space where a therapist helps members of your family tend to the ecosystem you hace co-created. Families often reach out for help at the height of frustration- locked into harmful cycles and patterns. Sometimes you can’t see the forest through the trees of specific conflicts or issues. By the time you land on this page, it may be difficult to imagine another -better - way of relating to each other. 

Each of us comes to our relationships with a particular set of cumulative experiences. These shape who we are and how we relate to others. Even when we share many things— love, commitments, a home, or values— our respective communication styles, needs, and dreams vary wildly.

Family therapy asks: how can we honor each others’ humanity and autonomy while cultivating the interdependence we need to flourish as a unit? 

In family therapy, a therapist can help you discover together what de-escalation strategies and communication skills can make your relationships more peaceful. As you begin to move out of crises, you can begin to see how your patterns of interacting are causing suffering. You can discover how the assumptions you may be operating under, continue to perpetuate cycles of miscommunication, resentment, or hurt. With your therapist, you can learn how boundaries, habits, and vulnerability might help you shift into cycles of care.

Compassion, trust, and hope are hard to access when we have been deeply hurt, especially when we have hurt each other cyclically. A family therapist partners with you to imagine more breathable, expansive ways of loving one another. 

In short, family therapy can look many different ways:

  • an adult daughter coming in to communicate better with her mom

  • divorcing parents coming in to work through co-parenting

  • traditional couples counseling

  • sibling therapy

  • parents and a teen coming to work through issues

  • Family-based treatment of eating disorders

Whatever it is your family is experiencing, there is likely a family therapist to help. Our therapists at Fleurish, can help guide many types of families through healing through therapy. Reach out to us today.


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