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It’s Not September Anymore…
Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User

It’s Not September Anymore…

...a quick note on suicide awareness

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) designates September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. You may be thinking at this point, “That’s great Erin, but it’s not September anymore,” and you’d be right. I wanted to get on the bandwagon last month, but schedules don’t always go as planned, so here is my September blog post delivered to you in October.

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Coping Skill Are Stupid…
Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User

Coping Skill Are Stupid…

...and other lies depression tells you.

Last month I wrote a blog post about coping skills. I outlined what they are and gave you some basic ones to help you get started in building your “toolkit.” It’s not lost on me; however, that as necessary as coping skills are, the ones I gave you sometimes just don’t cut it. So today I’m presenting some different, more nuanced coping skills for one particular situation: depression.

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Coping Skills
Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User Erin Hinek, General Therapy Guest User

Everything You Wanted to Know About Coping Skills

Have you been hearing a lot about “coping skills” lately? I know I have… but one thing I’ve noticed missing from the “coping skills” conversation is a clear definition of what they actually are! In this article I talk about what coping skills are, why they help, and how to build more. Check it out and let me know what your go-to coping skills are!

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